The Other Side of Fear

How many dreams, unique ideas, or open doors have you shelved or rejected? Missed opportunities can be extremely painful when you witness someone else benefit from an idea or a relationship you threw away.  If you are not careful you will find yourself walking through life salty and envious of others’ accomplishments. Life does not have to be this way; it is time to get on the other side of fear.

When God places a vision or goal in your heart and provides you with initial instructions, do it, just do it. Stop overthinking the process, take him at his word. While you are sitting around being analytical and feeding into your fears you are losing time, opportunities, relationships, and money.

You may ask how can you be sure you are being led of God and not wishful thinking? Stay connected to your heavenly Father through daily prayer, reading the Bible, and fasting when necessary like Gideon and Esther.  In Judges 6 and 7, Gideon maintained constant communication with God every step of the way, each time he received a confirmation he proceeded with courage. One can only imagine how Esther felt when her cousin Modecai urged her to petition the king on behalf of her people. She could have lost her life, but she chose to take the risk after a period of prayer and fasting (Esther 4-8). Both Esther and Gideon experienced victory because they trusted God and pressed through their fears.

Just like Gideon and Esther, you can get to the other side of fear too. Stop picking yourself a part and start believing you are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10; Psalms 139:14).  What are you waiting on? Do not say you are waiting on God; he is waiting on you. Start moving, make it happen.

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1 thought on “The Other Side of Fear”

  1. Very true indeed! God wants us moving not stationary..He is always working in and through us when we trust His word and stop listening to the fear 😊

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