
A Blessed People

When bombarded by negative thoughts and comments inferring Blacks are a malediction group; we need to denounce the lies by recounting and reciting the blessings we possess as a people. God placed his hand of blessing upon us before the foundation of the world. He designed every intricate detail in our DNA from the contour and shape of our bodies to the array of hues of our succulent skin to the individuality and flexibility of our hair texture. The world has benefited from our heritage of innovators, trailblazers, and educators. Regardless of the lies and atrocities committed to keep us in bondage, we are created to live a life of freedom. 

Our exquisite black anatomy is worthy of admiration, not shame. Our hips make ways for beautiful possibilities, while our curvaceous lips allow for meaningful dialogue. The strength and muscular tone of our arms allow us to carry the tremendous burden of responsibility without missing a beat.  Amidst unbearable pressure our strong legs uphold us. The design of our feet carries us swiftly to every golden opportunity. Comfort, nurturing, and refuge is found in our voluptuous breast and secure chest. Our bodies are wrapped in an array of luscious mocha skin colors, dark chocolate; caramel macchiato; vanilla bean, and everything in between. When it comes to hair there are no limits, we can braid; twist; curl; straighten; color; loc; cut; grow; crotchet; and even sew. Not only are we beautiful to behold, we are intelligent and industrious. 

As God’s children, we are inventors and problem solvers making powerful contributions to the world. Mary Van Brittan Brown invented the first home security system in 1966. Her invention resulted in many people all over the world feeling safe in their homes from intruders.  Alexander Miles revolutionized the elevator in 1887 by creating automatic doors that open and close. His ingenuity eliminated the danger of people falling down the elevator shaft. Ever wonder who came up with a way to treat cataract conditions without using a surgical knife? Look up, Dr. Patricia Bath. She was the laser scientist and pioneer who invented the Cataract Laserphaco Probe in 1986. This discovery helped many people to recover their eyesight after being blind for many years.

In 1865, two years after the Emancipation of Proclamation, the last of the enslaved blacks were declared a free people in America. Although our people were declared free many years ago, the political structure of America still has some catching up to do. We deserve to be treated the way God intended with equal rights and equal access. America put an end to lynching, restructure the police department, and eradicate institutionalized racism, so that we can experience the freedom we are entitled in this country.

Bellis, Mary. The Improved Elevator of Alexander Miles. August 07, 2019.

Buck, Stephanie. This African American Woman Invented Your Home Security System: The peephole would never be the same again. June 13, 2017

Changing the Face of Medicine. Biography: Dr. Patricia E. Bath.

New Living Translation Bible Psalms 139; Ephesians 2:10; and Galatians 5:1

Nix, Elizabeth; & Bettmann Archive/ Getty Images. History: What is Juneteenth? Updated June 18, 2020

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